installations (445)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Stairs
    Schnell, Ruth
    Stairs 1997
  • Tattoo
    Schnell, Ruth
    Tattoo 1997
  • ZKM Aussenkennung
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    ZKM Aussenkennung 1997
  • Sculptures
    Waliczky, Tamas
    Sculptures 1997
  • The Bush Soul # 2, 1998
    Allen, Rebecca
    The Bush Soul (#2) 1998
  • benayoun missing matter
    Benayoun, Maurice
    Missing matter 1998
  • Delvaux's Dream
    Bielicky, Michael
    Delvaux's Dream 1998
  • impalpability
    Fujihata, Masaki
    Impalpability 1998
  • Dislocation of Intimacy
    Goldberg, Ken
    Dislocation of Intimacy 1998
  • RUPTURE, 1998
    Gouveia, Patrícia
    Rupture, the passion market: why love is not fashionable (1998), Mix media interactive installation: 2 digital paintings and 1 neon, 12 postcards and an interactive CD-ROM 1998
  • Systems Maintenance, 1998
    Hoberman, Perry
    Systems Maintenance 1998
  • A Sense of Place, 1998: Map
    Legrady, George
    A Sense of Place 1998
  • / initial sketch and applications
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective) 1998
  • Flickering Signifiers
    Rinaldo, Ken E.
    Flickering Signifiers 1998
  • EVE
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    iC_inema 1 1998
  • Focus
    Waliczky, Tamas
    Focus 1998
  • The Parallel Dimension
    Wennberg, Teresa
    The Parallel Dimension 1998
  • Text Rain
    Achituv, Romy
    Text Rain 1999
  • Supermassive
    Mercado, Marcello
    Supermassive 1999
  • El jardín de (l) Goethe
    Robles-Angel, Claudia
    El jardín de (l) Goethe 1999
  • Microworlds. Sirens and Argonauts
    Simó, Agueda
    Microworlds, Sirens and Argonauts 1999
  • UCBM
    Tenhaaf, Nell
    UCBM (You could be me) 1999
  • Workaholic, 2000
    Hoberman, Perry
    Workaholic 2000
  • ZOMBIAC - Zone Of Monitor-Based Inter-Amnesiac Contact, 2000
    Hoberman, Perry
    ZOMBIAC - Zone Of Monitor-Based Inter-Amnesiac Contact 2000