digital activism (64)

Artist / DB / Year
  • ReVisioning the Virtual Wall
    Thiel, Tamiko
    ReVisioning the Virtual Wall 2009
  • flight404 decode
    Solar 2009
  • Pirate Radio
    Colubri, Andres
    Public / Pirate Community Radio 2009
  • The Big Plot
    Cirio, Paolo
    The Big Plot 2009
  • 2009. Serigraph (digital) print on Plexiglass. 54x39cm each
    Cirio, Paolo
    Open Society Structures - Algorithms Triptych 2009
  • ArtFem.TV
    Stermitz, Evelin
    ArtFem.TV 2008
  • Prisioner’s dilemma or game
    Gouveia, Patrícia
    Prisoner's Dilemma or Game: Flash installation + 2 joysticks + projetor. INTERPARLA Festival, Spain 2008
  • hangars liquides VR
    Kidd, Djehan
    Hangars Liquides VR 2007
  • 2007. Mixed media, plexiglass box. 35x35x40cm
    Cirio, Paolo
    Check Check Reality 2007
  • an
    Cirio, Paolo
    Amazon Noir - Hacking Monopolism Trilogy 2006
  • ubermorgen
    GWEI Google Will Eat Itself 2005
  • ecf1
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    eCulture Factory 2005
    Gouveia, Patrícia
    Role Playing Egas (Moniz): Net. Art Project under a workshop at Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon (CCB 2005) 2005
  • gwei
    Cirio, Paolo
    Google Will Eat Itself (GWEI) - Hacking Monopolism Trilogy 2005
  • Landslide
    Shor, Shirley
    Landslide 2004
  • Deriva
    Parés, Roc
    Deriva 2004
  • Transformes Interactive Installation, 2004
    Gouveia, Patrícia
    Transitory Objects, Transformers 84/04 Interactive Installation, Oeiras Festival 2004
  • Reburger
    Lichty, Patrick
    Reburger (3D animation) 2003
  • doubleblind
    epidemiC], [
    Double Blind 2003
  • Screenshot WYSIWYG
    Galloway, Alexander R.
    What You See Is What You Get 2002
  • Kriegsspiel
    Galloway, Alexander R.
    Kriegsspiel 2002
  • bruno adwords
    Bruno, Christophe
    Google Adwords Happenings 2002
  • egoscópio - webcams
    Beiguelman, Giselle
    egoscope 2002
    Beiguelman, Giselle
    did you read the east 2002