light-emitting diodes (LEDs) (21)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Augenschein
    Eckermann, Sylvia
    Augenschein 2020
  • Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU) #9
    Schnell, Ruth
    Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU) #9 2019
  • Albedo 0.30
    Hahn, Alexander
    Albedo 0.30 2019
  • MotU #7, #8
    Schnell, Ruth
    Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU) #7, #8 2017
  • MotU #4, #5, #6
    Schnell, Ruth
    Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU) #4, #5, #6 2016
  • The Moon Is A Mirror
    Hessels, Scott
    The Moon is a Mirror 2014
  • MotU #1
    Schnell, Ruth
    Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU) #1, #2, #3 2011
  • Floating Signs
    Schnell, Ruth
    Floating Signs 2011
  • Message from A.
    Reinhuber, Elke
    Message from A. 2010
  • random international
    Random International
    SWARM 2010
  • Disappearance
    Schnell, Ruth
    Disappearance #1, #2 2008
  • All Targets Defined
    Schnell, Ruth
    All Targets Defined 2006
  • mission of art
    Schnell, Ruth
    mission of art 2005
    Schnell, Ruth
  • fünfnullplus
    Schnell, Ruth
    fünfnullplus 2004
  • ZKM Aussenkennung
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    ZKM Aussenkennung 1997
  • Sprache Sehen
    Schnell, Ruth
    Sprache Sehen 1996
  • Architext
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Architext 1992
  • Virtual Terms
    Schnell, Ruth
    Virtual Terms 1992
  • Word Play
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Word Play 1989
  • propagation of the luminous world
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Propagation of the Luminous Word 1988