experimental (180)

Artist / DB / Year
  • The Equation of Terror
    Sandor, Ellen
    The Equation of Terror 1991
  • V01
    Acevedo, Victor v01 1991
  • Information Weapons
    Mikami, Seiko
    Information Weapons "Super Clean Room" 1990
    Seaman, Bill
    The Design of the Grip 1989
  • Tell Me the Truth
    Acevedo, Victor
    Tell Me the Truth 1989
  • Cube
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Between 0/1 1988
  • The PHSCologram Imagery for AIDS Virus
    Sandor, Ellen
    The PHSCologram Imagery for AIDS Virus 1987
  • Metalogue
    Acevedo, Victor
    Metalogue 1987
  • Tokyo MA
    Wennberg, Teresa
    Tokyo MA 1986
  • Nuit Blanche
    Wennberg, Teresa
    Nuit Blanche 1986
  • Digital Paint Study, 1985
    Acevedo, Victor
    Digital Paint Study, 1985 1985
  • NO=ON
    Wennberg, Teresa
    NO=ON 1983
  • Swimmer
    Wennberg, Teresa
    Swimmer 1978
  • Brain Wave Drawings 1973
    Sobell, Nina
    Brain Wave Drawings 1973
  • Scottish Sorrow
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Scottish Sorrow 1971
  • Hayward Gallery Projects
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Hayward Gallery Projects 1971
  • Silk Screen
    Schwartz, Lillian F.
    Silk Screen 1971
  • Walterwalk
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Waterwalk 1969
  • Pneutube
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Pneutube 1968
  • Alpevent
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Alpevent 1968
  • Airground
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Airground 1968
  • Cinematic Air Pollution Device
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Cinematic Air Pollution Device 1967
  • Emergence of continous forms
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Emergences of Continuous Forms 1966
  • Torsi, back view 1700, um