documenting (139)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Facing Data
    Burbano, Andres
    Facing Data
  • RGB Camarena
    Burbano, Andres
    RGB Stratospheric Camarena
  • Capital and column studies
  • London 2013 and London 2014
    Collins, Susan
    London 2013 and London 2014
  • Column- and arcade assemblings
  • Silvers Alter
    Czarnecki, Gina
    Silvers Alter
  • Decker, Paulus
    Ground plan
  • Decker, Paulus
    Ground plan of the basement
  • Cross Currents, video still
    Del Favero, Dennis
    Cross Currents
  • image1
    Domingues, Diana
    Affective Enactive Rituals and The Naturalization of Technologies: “between the body and calculation, trance and algorithm
  • Echorche
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Emblems with plants and animals