documenting (139)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Sermon, Paul
    Think about the people now 1990
  • Sermon, Paul
    Earth Signals 1990
  • Sermon, Paul
    The Echoes of Ambiguity within electronic space 1988
  • Kac Artist book 83
    Kac, Eduardo
    Escracho (Artist's Book) 1983
  • Corrida
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Corrida - Logique de la Perception 1982
  • Book Sculptures
    Kac, Eduardo
    Visual Poems and Language Art 1982
  • Que vai fazer
    Kac, Eduardo
    Mixed Media (1982 - 1984) 1982
  • Neonwave
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Neon Wave Sculpture 1979
  • Aspen Moviemap
    Naimark, Michael
    Aspen Moviemap 1978
  • Dome Projections
    Naimark, Michael
    Environmental Media Studies 1977
  • Brain Wave Drawings 1973
    Sobell, Nina
    Brain Wave Drawings 1973
  • Quast, Pieter Jansz
    Luke the Evangelist paints Madonna 1810/16
  • Antependium of the altar in Mariazell donated by Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples-Sicily 1804
  • Bergmüller, Johann Georg
    Nach Toskanischer Ordnung, Unterschiedliche neue Postamenter 1752
  • Bergmüller, Johann Georg
    Dorische neue Haupt-Gesimbser und Capitel 1752
  • Bergmüller, Johann Georg
    Die zur Composita gehörige Haupt Gesimbser und Capitael 1752
  • Bergmüller, Johann Georg
    Die Starke, Toscanische Ordnung 1752
  • Kleiner, Salomon
    Göttweig Abbey, water pipe and pump station, Tabula Scenographica Machinae Hydraulicae 1744
  • Kleiner, Salomon
    Göttweig Abbey, elevator for goods 1744
  • Kleiner, Salomon
    Göttweig Abbey, cabinet of curiosities 1744
  • Decker, Paulus
    Ground plan of the basement 1711
  • Decker, Paulus
    Ground plan 1711
  • Goldmann, Nikolaus
    Definitiones der Baukunst 1708
  • Study of male and female heads 1700, um