interactive (406)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Under the Surface
    Gates-Stuart, Eleanor
    Under the Surface
  • Advent
    Gillman, Clive
  • Data Dentata
    Goldberg, Ken
    Data Dentata
  • Dislocation of Intimacy
    Goldberg, Ken
    Dislocation of Intimacy
  • legal tender
    Goldberg, Ken
    Legal Tender
  • Public Keys, Installation
    Goldberg, Ken
    Public Keys: Acts of Faith, Trust, and Access
  • The Tele-Actor
    Goldberg, Ken
    The Tele-Actor
  • Between Poets (2000)
    Gouveia, Patrícia
    Between Poets: ZDB gallery (Lisbon) commission web project
  • Memory Simulators (2001)
    Gouveia, Patrícia
    Memories Simulator: published and exhibited at Porto Ferreira Borges market, CD ROM publication and installation under a commission by Porto 2001, European culture capital (project Transformation Records)
  • one-person touchscreen cinema showing 14 intreractive movies
    Hales, Chris
    One-person Touchscreen Cinema Showing 14 Interactive Movies
  • Endurance: The Polar Studies
    Harris, Dominic
    Endurance: The Polar Studies
  • Limitless (capture)
    Harris, Dominic
  • World Stage: United Kingdom
    Harris, Dominic
    World Stage: United Kingdom
  • World Stage: USA
    Harris, Dominic
    World Stage: United States
  • Young Dancer aged 14;3
    Hedderwick, Sophie
    Young Dancer aged 14;3
  • america's finest
    Hershman Leeson, Lynn
    America`s Finest
  • paranoid mirror
    Hershman Leeson, Lynn
    Paranoid Mirror
  • Bar Code Hotel, 1994
    Hoberman, Perry
    Bar Code Hotel
  • Cathartic User Interface (CUI), 1995/2000
    Hoberman, Perry
    Cathartic User Interface (CUI)
  • Timetable, 1999
    Hoberman, Perry
  • Mobilise/Demobilise festival
    Jamieson, Helen Varley
  • impromtu fax
    Kac, Eduardo
    Earth day impromtu
  • Elastics Fax n1
    Kac, Eduardo
    Elastic Fax 1
  • Elastic Fax 3 n1
    Kac, Eduardo
    Elastic Fax 3