interactive (406)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Reflecting JCC
    Simó, Agueda
    Reflecting JCC ada
  • mímesis
    Simó, Agueda
    Mímesis ada
  • Microworlds. Sirens and Argonauts
    Simó, Agueda
    Microworlds, Sirens and Argonauts ada
  • Experimentelle Untersuchung Fraktaler Strukturen im Virtuallen Raum, Plato's dream
    Simó, Agueda
    Experimentelle Untersuchung Fraktaler Strukturen im Virtuallen Raum, Plato's dream ada
  • Endocytosis, Evolving from a Flat Land into a Three-dimensional World
    Simó, Agueda
    Endocytosis, Evolving from a Flat Land into a Three-dimensional World ada
  • Interactive Video Kaleidoscope
    Sims, Karl
    Interactive Video Kaleidoscope ada
  • Genetic Images
    Sims, Karl
    Genetic Images ada
  • ZKM Karlsruhe / YOUbiläumsbrowser
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    ZKM Karlsruhe / YOUbiläumsbrowser ada
  • Wild Panoramic Navigator
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Wild Panoramic Navigator ada
  • Web of Life
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Web of Life ada
  • We Are Like Vapours
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    We Are Like Vapours ada
  • Walterwalk
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Waterwalk ada
  • Sculpture
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Virtual Sculpture ada
  • Video Ball
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Video Ball Sculpture ada
  • Three Pavilions
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Three Pavilions ada
  • shaw there is still time
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    There is still time... Brother ada
  • Dante cupboard
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    The Dante Cupboard ada
  • Televirtual Chit Chat
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Televirtual Chit Chat ada
  • Telepresent Onlookers
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Telepresent Onlookers ada
  • T_Visionarium
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    T_Visionarium ada
  • Spatial Pendulum
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Spatial Pendulum ada
  • Revolution
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Revolution ada
  • Remaking the Confucian Rites
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Remaking the Confucian Rites ada
  • Reconfiguring the CAVE
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    reconFIGURING the CAVE ada