interactive (406)

Artist / DB / Year
  • the Flock
    Rinaldo, Ken E.
    the Flock 1992
  • Experimentelle Untersuchung Fraktaler Strukturen im Virtuallen Raum, Plato's dream
    Simó, Agueda
    Experimentelle Untersuchung Fraktaler Strukturen im Virtuallen Raum, Plato's dream 1992
  • Dove, Toni
    Archeology of a Mother Tongue 1993
  • Data Dentata
    Goldberg, Ken
    Data Dentata 1993
  • america's finest
    Hershman Leeson, Lynn
    America`s Finest 1993
  • Storms
    Kac, Eduardo
    Storms 1993
  • Sermon, Paul
    Telematic Vision 1993
  • EVE Extended Virtual Environment
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    EVE Extended Virtual Environment 1993
  • New Tower of Babel
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    New Tower of Babel 1993
  • Televirtual Chit Chat
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Televirtual Chit Chat 1993
  • Genetic Images
    Sims, Karl
    Genetic Images 1993
  • Apparitions
    Brown, Sheldon
    Apparitions 1994
  • Ulrike Gabriel
    Gabriel, Ulrike
    Terrain 01 1994
  • Bar Code Hotel, 1994
    Hoberman, Perry
    Bar Code Hotel 1994
  • Diagram
    Kac, Eduardo
    Teleporting an Unknown State 1994
  • Lago sotteraneo, 1994
    Plancton Art Studio
    Tao Interazione, Lago Sotterraneo, Il tè nel deserto 1994
  • the golden Calf
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Golden Calf 1994
  • A-Volve
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    A-Volve 1994
  • The Tunnel under the Atlantic, Montreal installation
    Benayoun, Maurice
    Tunnel under the Atlantic 1995
  • CAGEBIM, 1995
    Domingues, Diana
    Cagebim 1995
  • Lautriv Chromagnon/Medusa, 1995
    Lautriv Chromagnon/Medusa 1995
  • Advent
    Gillman, Clive
    Advent 1995
  • paranoid mirror
    Hershman Leeson, Lynn
    Paranoid Mirror 1995
  • Cathartic User Interface (CUI), 1995/2000
    Hoberman, Perry
    Cathartic User Interface (CUI) 1995