interactive (406)

Artist / DB / Year
  • The teleborg and the telerobot Ornitorrinco
    Kac, Eduardo
    The Telepresence Garment 1995
  • Slippery Traces, 1996: Installation Space
    Legrady, George
    Slippery Traces 1995
  • The Trace
    Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael
    The Trace 1995
  • Gravity and Grace
    Matsumoto, Yasuaki
    Gravity and Grace 1995
  • Seiko Mikami, Molecular Clinic1, 1995
    Mikami, Seiko
    Molecular Clinic 1.0 1995
  • TechnoSphere website
    Prophet, Jane
    TechnoSphere 1995
  • The Adding Machine
    Reaney, Mark
    The Adding Machine 1995
  • Shaw, Jeffrey
    Place - A User's Manual 1995
  • Telepresent Onlookers
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Telepresent Onlookers 1995
  • Phototropy
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Phototropy 1995
  • Fetch-a-sketch
    Wisniewski, Maciej
    Fetch-a-sketch 1995
  • Ultima Cena Interactive, 1996-1997
    Last Supper 1996
  • legal tender
    Goldberg, Ken
    Legal Tender 1996
  • Letter
    Kac, Eduardo
    Letter 1996
  • Rara Avis
    Kac, Eduardo
    Rara Avis 1996
  • Dan Sandin, Gallery of Motion, 1996
    Sandin, Dan
    Gallery of Motions 1996
  • Sprache Sehen
    Schnell, Ruth
    Sprache Sehen 1996
  • The World Generator / The Engine of Desire
    Seaman, Bill
    The Engine of Desire 1996
  • MIC Exploration Space
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    MIC Exploration Space 1996
  • Interactive Poem, 1996-98
    Tosa, Naoko
    Interactive Poem MUSE 1996
  • The Bush Soul # 1, 1997
    Allen, Rebecca
    The Bush Soul (#1) 1997
  • Worldskin
    Benayoun, Maurice
    World Skin, a Photo Safari in the Land of War 1997
  • Global Interior Project
    Fujihata, Masaki
    Global Interior Project 1997
  • Time Capsule
    Kac, Eduardo
    Time Capsule 1997