Arts and Visual Culture (384)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Weyer (Weier, Wyer), Gabriel
    Paul Eber, Protestant theologian gssg
  • Vecellio, Tizian
    Tantalus gssg
  • The feast of the Temple, announcement of the defense of theology theses at the University of Graz gssg
  • Sustris, Friedrich
    The choice of Hercules gssg
  • Storer, Johann Christoph
    Saint Catherine of Alexandria gssg
  • Storer, Johann Christoph
    Devine Wisdom, announcement of the defenses of theses at the University of Dillingen gssg
  • Sing, Johann Kaspar
    Calendar of the Bishopric of Eichstaett gssg
  • Sing, Johann Kaspar
    Calendar of the Bishopric of Eichstaett gssg
  • Ruggieri, Ferdinando
    Title page, veduta of Florence gssg
  • Ruggieri, Ferdinando
    Title page, veduta of Florence gssg
  • Ruggieri, Ferdinando
    Text page, portrait with allegory gssg
  • Ruggieri, Ferdinando
    Map of Florence gssg
  • Ruggieri, Ferdinando
    Ground plan of the staircase gssg
  • Ruggieri, Ferdinando
    Frontispiece gssg
  • Ruggieri, Ferdinando
    Frontispiece gssg
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    The Creation gssg
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    Creation of Eve gssg
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    Adam naming the animals gssg
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    Adam in the Garden of Eden gssg
  • Quast, Pieter Jansz
    Luke the Evangelist paints Madonna gssg
  • Philipp Melanchton, German reformer gssg
  • Nelli, Giovanni Battista Clemente
    Groundplan of the Dome of Florence gssg
  • Map of the dominion of Göttweig Abbey gssg
  • Lairesse, Gerard de
    The golden Age gssg