Arts and Visual Culture (384)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Abigail in front of David
  • Allegory of sculpture
  • Caliari, Paolo, gen. Veronese
    Perseus rescuing Andromeda
  • Callot, Jacques
    Temptation of Saint Anthony
  • Cortona, Pietro Berrettini da
    The sacrifice of Polyxena
  • Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528)
    The Four Apostles, Master Study
  • Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528)
    The Four Apostles, Master Study
  • Jordaens, Jacob
    Philemon und Baucis
  • Kaufmann, Angelika
    Pallas's body laid out for burial
  • Lairesse, Gerard de
    Immoderateness, Bacchanal
  • Lairesse, Gerard de
    The golden Age
  • Map of the dominion of Göttweig Abbey
  • Philipp Melanchton, German reformer
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    Adam in the Garden of Eden
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    Adam naming the animals
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    Creation of Eve
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    The Creation
  • Ruggieri, Ferdinando
  • Ruggieri, Ferdinando
    Ground plan of the staircase
  • Ruggieri, Ferdinando
    Map of Florence
  • Ruggieri, Ferdinando
    Text page, portrait with allegory
  • Ruggieri, Ferdinando
    Title page, veduta of Florence
  • Sing, Johann Kaspar
    Calendar of the Bishopric of Eichstaett
  • Sing, Johann Kaspar
    Calendar of the Bishopric of Eichstaett