allegory (89)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Quod caret alterna requie, durabile non est, Ovid gssg
  • Rhetoric gssg
  • Ruggieri, Ferdinando
    Text page, portrait with allegory gssg
  • Schut, Cornelis I.
    Agreement of peace between France and Spain gssg
  • Somnia fallaci ludunt temeraria nocte, Albius Tibullus gssg
  • Spring, summer gssg
  • Strolling Actresses dressing in a Barn gssg
  • Susanna and the Elders, Daniel defends Susanna gssg
  • The behaviour of foolish women gssg
  • The five senses gssg
  • The seven liberal arts gssg
  • The triumph of Europa gssg
  • Timor Domini est initium Sapientiae / Die Forcht deß Herren ist der Weisheit Anfang gssg
  • Troger, Paul
    Chronos and the personifications of science and arts gssg
  • Ulrich Hofmann, geometer, arithmetician and calligrapher gssg
  • Vignette, wisdom gssg
  • Zampieri (Domenichino), Domenico
    Cupid and Putti gssg