beauty (42)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Biota
    Anker, Suzanne
    Biota ada
  • Genetic Seed Bank
    Anker, Suzanne
    Genetic Seed Bank ada
  • MRI Butterfly
    Anker, Suzanne
    MRI Butterfly ada
  • Remote Sensing
    Anker, Suzanne
    Remote Sensing ada
  • Vanitas in a Petri Dish
    Anker, Suzanne
    Vanitas in a Petri dish ada
  • Feather Duster
    Anker, Suzanne
    While Darkness Sleeps ada
  • Acentria
    Berlot, Uršula
    Acentria ada
  • An Ascent
    Berlot, Uršula
    An Ascent ada
  • Another aircraft
    Berlot, Uršula
    Another aircraft ada
  • Hyperoptics
    Berlot, Uršula
    Hyperoptics ada
  • Imaginary Skyrmions
    Berlot, Uršula
    Imaginary Skyrmions ada
    Berlot, Uršula
    Berlot, Uršula
    Topology of Imaginary Skyrmions ada
  • World Stage: United Kingdom
    Harris, Dominic
    World Stage: United Kingdom ada
  • Global Telepathic Broadcast
    Neidich, Warren
    Global Telepathic Broadcast ada
  • The Time Traveler
    Petros, Lales
    The Time Traveler ada
  • Great Image of Eve Clone
    Pey-Chwen, Lin
    Great Image of Eve Clone ada
  • Great Image of Eve Clone
    Pey-Chwen, Lin
    Great Image of Eve Clone ada
  • Making of Eve Clone III
    Pey-Chwen, Lin
    Making of Eve Clone III ada
  • Silhouettes *Iconique* (LICHTPHON / IKONEN 1)
    Poursoudmand, Schahram
    Silhouettes *Iconique* (LICHTPHON / IKONEN 1) ada
  • Profilneurose
    Reinhuber, Elke
    Profilneurose ada
  • Video Narcissus
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Video Narcissus ada
  • EVE
    Shor, Shirley
    EVE ada
  • Abigail in front of David gssg
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