Body and Psychology (165)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Perrier (gen. Bourguignon), Francois
    Aneas and the Cumaean Sibyl
  • Noor: A Brain Opera
    Pearlman, Ellen
    Noor: A Brain Opera
  • I move in Decades
    Pearlman, Ellen
    I Move In Decades
  • Corona Isolation Ironically, but true
    Paskali, Irena
    Corona Isolation Ironically, but true
  • Self&Other (2016)
    Parés, Roc
  • Global Telepathic Broadcast
    Neidich, Warren
    Global Telepathic Broadcast
  • PoinScreen 2005
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
  • Murmuring Fields Sketch, Entering the Screen 1999
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Murmuring Fields
  • Liquid Views
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Liquid Views
  • Home of the Brain Mix
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Home of the Brain - Philosophers' Houses (vers I 1989-90/ vers II 1991-92 / video 1992)
  • Seiko Mikami, Molecular Informatics-morphogenic substance via eye tracking, Version 1, 1996
    Mikami, Seiko
    Molecular Informatics-morphogenic substance via eye tracking
  • Eye tracking informatics
    Mikami, Seiko
    Eye tracking informatics
  • O intervalo entre as coisas
    Michelin, Simone
    O Intervalo entre as Coisas - The Interval between things
  • DesConcerto
    Michelin, Simone
  • 1 minute or Abominable Abdominal Wrinkles
    Michelin, Simone
    1 minute or Abominable Abdominal Wrinkles
  • transferring, storing, sharing and hybriding: The perfect humus
    Mercado, Marcello
    transferring, storing, sharing and hybriding: The perfect humus
  • Self-Portrait - 2005
    Mercado, Marcello
    Self-Portrait - 2005
  • Mutter or On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematical And Related Systems by Gödel revisited
    Mercado, Marcello
    Mutter or On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematical And Related Systems by Gödel revisited
  • Löschen/DELETE
    Mercado, Marcello
  • Human Genome re-Activation
    Mercado, Marcello
    Human Genome re-Activation
  • It suits me well - thumbnail
    Menegon, Martina
    It suits me well
  • it feels like home - thumbnail
    Menegon, Martina
    it feels like home
  • I'm sorry I made you feel that way - thumbnail
    Menegon, Martina
    I'm sorry I made you feel that way
  • falling asleep - thumbnail
    Menegon, Martina
    falling asleep