death (53)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Baumgartner, Johann Wolfgang
    Martyrs Cantius, Cantianus und Cantianilla, calendar sheet for 31st May gssg
  • Baumgartner, Johann Wolfgang
    Martyrs Sisinnius, Martyrius and Alexander, calendar sheet for 29th May gssg
  • Biset (Bizet), Carl Emmanuel
    Joannes van Buyten, physician and anatomist gssg
  • Buonarotti, Michelangelo
    Christ with cross after Christo sopra Minerva by Michelangelo gssg
  • Emblems with plants and animals gssg
  • Emblems with plants and animals gssg
  • Heemskerck, Maarten van
    The Triumph of Isaac gssg
  • Joue, Jacques de la
    Cartouches with war themes gssg
  • Joue, Jacques de la
    Cartouches with war themes gssg
  • Kaufmann, Angelika
    Pallas's body laid out for burial gssg
  • Lazarus and Dives gssg
  • Le Pautre, Jean
    Mort d'Ammon fis de David gssg
  • Man between law and faith (Galatians 3) gssg
  • Poetae, amore extincti, coenotaphium gssg
  • Surgeon gssg
  • TCP
    Jephthah sacrifices his daughter gssg
  • TCP
    Noah's Ark gssg
  • TCP
    Prologue gssg
  • Testa, Pietro
    Dido on the stake gssg
  • Testa, Pietro
    The poisoning of Sinorix gssg
  • The fatal fall of physicist and tight-rope walker Carl Bernovin also known as Atavan gssg
  • Thomas Aquinas gssg
  • Timor Domini est initium Sapientiae / Die Forcht deß Herren ist der Weisheit Anfang gssg
  • Title engraving gssg