embodiment (64)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Pilgrimage to the Beautiful Virgin Mary of Regensburg
  • Schut, Cornelis I.
    Agreement of peace between France and Spain
  • Sustris, Friedrich
    The choice of Hercules
  • Title engraving
  • TCP
    Eve and the Serpent 1426
  • David presents his animula to the Lord 1498/1501
  • Aratos, Phainomena des
    Zodiac, Aquarius 15. Jh, 2. Drittel
  • Heemskerck, Maarten van
    The Triumph of Job 1564
  • Goltzius, Hendrik
    Matthew the Evangelist 1588
  • Thomas Aquinas 1610
  • Theology thesis by Tobias Johannes Goeth , University of Vienna 1651
  • Susanna and the Elders, Daniel defends Susanna 1663
  • The Prophet Elijah 1681
  • Buonarotti, Michelangelo
    Christ with cross after Christo sopra Minerva by Michelangelo 1700, um
  • Baumgartner, Johann Wolfgang
    Saint John, calendar sheet for 13th May 1753-1755
  • Baumgartner, Johann Wolfgang
    Saint Lutgardis of Tongres, calendar sheet for 16th June 1753-1755
  • Title page 18. Jh.
  • Book Plumbing
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Book Plumbing 1967
  • Airground
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Airground 1968
  • Alpevent
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Alpevent 1968
  • Pneutube
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Pneutube 1968
  • Cushion
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Cushion 1969
  • Walterwalk
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Waterwalk 1969
  • Water walk tube
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Waterwalk Tube 1970