History and Memory (118)

Artist / DB / Year
  • MRI Butterfly
    Anker, Suzanne
    MRI Butterfly 2008
  • Genetic Seed Bank
    Anker, Suzanne
    Genetic Seed Bank 2008
  • hangars liquides VR
    Kidd, Djehan
    Hangars Liquides VR 2007
  • Origins and Futures
    Anker, Suzanne
    Origins and Futures 2007
  • MediaFlow 2006 and Aby Warburg Denkraum 1927
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Mediaflow 2006
  • Valise in an iPod
    Lichty, Patrick
    Valise in an iPod 2006
  • How does the Inconsistence work, practically?
    Mercado, Marcello
    How does the Inconsistent work, practically? 2005
  • Desert Views, Desert Deaths
    Petrovic, Lucy
    Desert Views, Desert Deaths 2004
  • Cacofonia scene 2
    Michelin, Simone
    Cacophony (Scene 2) 2003
  • Suburban Meditation
    Lichty, Patrick
    Suburban Meditation 2003
    Legrady, George
    Pockets Full of Memories II 2003
  • tribe
    Goldberg, Ken
    The Tribe 2003
  • Momets of time in a place
    Fujimura, Noriyuki
    Moments of time in a place 2002
  • The Butterfly in the Brain
    Anker, Suzanne
    The Butterfly in the Brain 2002
  • Escher Girl
    Acevedo, Victor
    Escher Girl 2002
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Digital Sparks 2001
  • White Room
    Michelin, Simone
    American Lessons - The White Room 2001
  • MN.A - American Lessons: Marvelous New World
    Michelin, Simone
    American Lessons - MN.A: Marvelous New World 2001
  • Eric in Orense v02a
    Acevedo, Victor
    Eric in Orense v02 2001
  • Mutter or On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematical And Related Systems by Gödel revisited
    Mercado, Marcello
    Mutter or On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematical And Related Systems by Gödel revisited 2000
  • David in Orense
    Acevedo, Victor
    David in Orense 2000
  • A Glass of Wine with Harry
    Acevedo, Victor
    A Glass of Wine with Harry 2000
  • Dove, Toni
    Spectropia 1999
  • Cross Currents, video still
    Del Favero, Dennis
    Cross Currents 1999