Religion and Mythology (98)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Decker, Paulus
    Front view of the court chapel 1711
  • Decker, Paulus
    Front view of the altar in the court chapel 1711
  • Storer, Johann Christoph
    Saint Catherine of Alexandria 1708
  • Werner, Joseph II.
    Saul and the witch of Endor 17. Jh.
  • Carracci, Annibale
    Perseus rescuing Andromeda 17. Jh.
  • Calypso allows Odysseus to leave 17. Jh.
  • Innerlich und äußerliches Aussehen der Neuen Kirchen in Leipzig 1699
  • Column- and arcade assemblings 1699
  • Capital and column studies 1699
  • Ehrenberg, Peter Schubert von
    Ignatius of Loyola and Aristoteles debate on the principal of logic in a library 1695
  • Hildebrant, Tobias Jakob
    Bishop Lothar Franz von Schoenborn 1694
  • Storer, Johann Christoph
    Devine Wisdom, announcement of the defenses of theses at the University of Dillingen 1665
  • Altar in Ingolstadt with a painting of the Mater ter admirabilis 1664
  • Skreta, Karl (Škréta, Karel)
    Virgin Mary, philosophy thesis, University of Prague 1659
  • Weyer (Weier, Wyer), Gabriel
    Ägidius Hunnius, Lutheran theologian 1613
  • Weyer (Weier, Wyer), Gabriel
    Paul Eber, Protestant theologian 1613
  • Zanetti, Carolus
    Conference of the Tridentine council under emperor Leopold I
  • Vouet, Simon
    Venus and Mars
  • Vos, Marten de
    Adam tills the fields
  • Vecellio, Tizian
  • The tree of Jesse
  • The tree of Jesse
  • The four Kingdoms of Daniel
  • Sustris, Friedrich
    The choice of Hercules