nostalgia (11)

Artist / DB / Year
  • NO=ON
    Wennberg, Teresa
  • Testa, Pietro
    Dido on the stake
  • Stabbing of a woman ?
  • Entrance to the Garden of Changes
    Reinhuber, Elke
    Garden Of Changes
  • The Time Traveler
    Petros, Lales
    The Time Traveler
  • Lairesse, Gerard de
    The golden Age
  • RGB VW
    Hegedüs, Agnes
    RGB VW
  • Chaos digital perfomance  video
    Eltawil, Sameh
    CHAOS فَوْضَى
  • Calypso allows Odysseus to leave
  • History Appartus
    Bismarck, Julius von
    History Appartus
  • Berain, Jean I.
    Grotesque with cupid