writing (165)

Artist / DB / Year
  • TCP
    Tobias, Raphael and Sarah
  • TCP
    The hanging Gardens of Babylon
  • TCP
    The golden Table of the sun of Zabulon
  • TCP
    The expulsion from Paradise
  • TCP
    The expulsion from Paradise
  • TCP
    Solomon's Temple
  • TCP
  • TCP
    Noah's Ark
  • TCP
    Jephthah sacrifices his daughter
  • TCP
    Hortus Conclusus
  • TCP
    Eve and the Serpent
  • TCP
    Balaam and the Angel
  • TCP
    Astyages's dream
  • TCP
    Adam and Eve with there sons Cain and Abel
  • Straet, Jan van der, genannt Stradanus
    Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia
  • Spring, summer
  • Life Writer
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Life Writer
  • Between the Lines (Protograph)
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Between the Lines (Protograph)
  • point of View II
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Points of View II - Babel
  • Place - Turkey
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Place - Turkey
  • Place - Ruhr
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Place - Ruhr
  • Shaw, Jeffrey
    Place - A User's Manual
  • Distributed Legible City
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Distributed Legible City
  • The Air-Liquid Display Sculpture
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Air-Liquid Display Sculpture